Año Título Autores/as
  Delphi Study on the Contextualization of Recommendations for Promoting Healthy Eating in Urban Settings of Latin America and the Caribbean  
2024 Social Determinants as Mediators of the Emotional Stateof People With Type 2 Diabetes and/or HypertensionDuring the COVID‐19 Pandemic in Ecuador and Spain María José Sanchís‐Ramón, Elisa Chilet‐Rosell, Andrés Peralta, Marta Puig‐García, María Fernanda Rivadeneira, Cintia Caicedo, Ikram Benazizi‐Dahbi, Blanca Lumbreras, Montse Nicols, Ana Cebrián, Wifredo Ricart, Ester Lopez‐Miras, Lucy A. Parker
2024 Hard-to-reach communities in the rural Ecuador: A qualitative perspective on dietary habits and physical activity. Marta Puig-García, Lucy Anne Parker, Cintia Caicedo-Montano,
Mónica Márquez-Figueroa, Elisa Chilet-Rosell.
2024 Prevalence and factors associated with the use of traditional medicine in individuals with hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycaemia, and arterial hypertension in Ecuador: results from a population-based study in two health districts. Marta Puig-GarcíaCarmen López-Herraiz, Cintia Caicedo-MontañoMaría Fernanda RivadeneiraJuan Vásconez-DonosoGregorio Montalvo-VillacisIkram Benazizi-DahbiLucy Anne Parker. 

Evaluación independiente de la crisis de la COVID-19. Lecciones por aprender.

González López-Valcárcel B, Hernández Aguado I.

Respectful maternity care interventions to address women mistreatment in childbirth: What has been done?

Mira-Catalá P, Hernández-Aguado I, Chilet-Rosell E.

Knowledge and practices regarding prostate cancer screening in Spanish men: The importance of personal and clinical characteristics (PROSHADE study).

Lucy A. Parker, Juan-Pablo Caballero-Romeu, Elisa Chilet-Rosell, Ildefonso Hernandez-Aguado, Luis Gómez-Pérez,Pablo Alonso-Coello, Ana Cebrián, Maite López-Garrigós, Irene Moral-Pélaez, Elena Ronda, Mercedes Gilabert, Carlos Canelo-Aybar,Ignacio Párraga-Martínez, Mª del Campo-Giménez, Blanca Lumbreras.

Respectful maternity care interventions to address women mistreatment in childbirth. What has been done.

Mira-Catalá Pablo, Hernández-Aguado IldefonsoChilet-Rosell Elisa. 

Evaluación independiente de la crisis de la COVID-19. Lecciones por aprender. Independent evaluation of the COVID-19 crisis. Lessons to be learned

González López-Valcárcel B, Hernández Aguado I.

Barriers and facilitators of shared decision-making in prostate cancer screening in primary care: A systematic review. 

Estevan-Vilar M, Parker LA, Caballero-Romeu JP, Ronda E, Hernández-Aguado I, Lumbreras B.

Consensus on post COVID in the Spanish national health system: Results of the CIBERPOSTCOVID eDelphi study

Torres M, Serra-Sutton V, Soriano JB, Ferrer M, Trejo A, Benavides FG, Lumbreras B, Pérez-Gómez B, Pijoan JI, Monguet JM, Barbé F, Pollán M, Alonso J, Espallargues M, Serrano-Blanco A.

Validation of a scale to assess adherence to oral chemotherapy based on the experiences of patients and healthcare professionals (EXPAD-ANEO).

Talens A, López-Pintor E, Guilabert M, Cantó-Sancho N, Aznar MT, Lumbreras B.

Prevalence and risk factors of upper gastrointestinal symptoms in community pharmacies in Spain: a cross-sectional study

Puig-Moltó M, López-Pintor E, Lumbreras B.
2023 Intestinal parasitic infections and their potential risk factors among prison inmates in Valencia, Spain Muñoz-Antoli C, Irisarri-Gutiérrez MJ, Acosta L, Bonet MJ, Esteban JG, Toledo R.

Realizando una encuesta poblacional en tiempos de pandemia: Experiencias de campo desde Ecuador.

Benazizi I, Peralta A, Chilet E, Torres A L, Vásconez J, Pinto J  Hernández M, Galarza M G,  Álvarez A, Ron T, Parker L 

Access to health services for chronic disease care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ecuador: A qualitative analysis using a Social Determinants of Health approach

Puig-García M, Rivadeneira MF, Peralta A, Chilet-Rosell E, Benazizi I, Hernández M, Torres AL, Caicedo-Montaño C, Parker LA

Prevalence and gender disparities of type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity in Esmeraldas, Ecuador: a population-based survey in a hard-to-reach setting

Puig-García M, Caicedo-Montaño C, Márquez-Figueroa M, Chilet-Rosell E, Montalvo-Villacis G, Benazizi I, Peralta A, Torres AL, Parker LA
2023 You knew you had to be there, it had to be done”: Experiences of health professionals who faced the COVID-19 pandemic in one public hospital in Spain. Rodríguez-Madrid MN, Pastor-Moreno G, Albert-López E, Pastor-Valero M.
2023 Contextual Factors That May Impact on the Development and Implementation of the Sugary Drinks Policy.

Chilet Rosell E, Lumbreras B.


Addressing Health Disparities through Community Participation: A Scoping Review of Co-Creation in Public Health.

Morales-Garzón S, Parker LA, Hernández-Aguado I, González-Moro Tolosana M, Pastor-Valero M, Chilet-Rosell E.


2023 Colonoscopy Satisfaction and Safety Questionnaire based on patient experience (CSSQP): a valuable quality tool for all colonoscopies. Brotons A, Sanjuan CM, Cubiella J, Gómez LC, Redondo PD, Seoane A, Mateo SG, Suárez A, Pérez DN, Lumbreras B, Mira JJ, Vera JS, Jover R; QUALISCOPIA study investigators.
2023 Design and validation of a scale to measure adherence to oral antineoplastic drugs. Talens-Bolós A, López-Pintor E, Guilabert-Mora M, Aznar-Saliente T, Orozco-Beltrán DL, Lumbreras B.

Gender Differences in the Impact of Recommendations on Diagnostic Imaging Tests: A Retrospective Study 2007–2021

Parker LA, Moreno-Garijo A, Chilet-Rosell E, Lorente F, Lumbreras B.

Epidemiological study on gender bias and low-value practices in primary care: a study protocol.

Irene Carrillo, Adriana Lopez-PinedaVirtudes Pérez-JoverMercedes GuilabertMaría Asunción VicenteCésar FernándezVicente F Gil-GuillenDomingo Orozco-BletránElisa Chilet-RosellLourdes Luzon OliverMaria Pilar Astier-PeñaSusanna TellaConcepción Carratalá-Munuera José Joaquín Mira.

Microsporidia as a Potential Threat to the Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus)

Galván-Díaz L, Llorens S, Vaccaro L, Hurtado-Marcos C, Valdivieso E, Miró G, Hernández L, Montoya A, Bornay-Llinares FJ, Acosta L, Fenoy S, Del Águila C.

Anemia and undernutrition in intestinally parasitized schoolchildren from Gakenke district, Northern Province of Rwanda. 

Irisarri-Gutiérrez MJ, Acosta L, Parker LA, Toledo R, Bornay-Llinares FJ, Esteban JG, Muñoz-Antoli C.

Proshade Protocol: Designing and Evaluating a Decision Aid for Promoting Shared Decision Making in Opportunistic Screening for Prostate Cancer: A Mix-Method Study.

Lumbreras B, Parker LA, Alonso-Coello P, Mira-Bernabeu J, Gómez-Pérez L, Caballero-Romeu JP, Pertusa-Martínez S, Cebrián-Cuenca A, Moral-Peláez I, López-Garrigós M, Canelo-Aybar C, Ronda E, Guilabert M, Prieto-González A, Hernández-Aguado I.

Appropriateness of radiological diagnostic tests in otolaryngology.

Almodóvar A, Ronda E, Flores R, Lumbreras B.

EsReflux Protocol: Epidemiological Study of Heartburn and Reflux-like Symptoms in Spanish Community Pharmacies.

López-Pintor E, Puig-Moltó M, Lumbreras B.

Sample size requirement in trials that use the composite endpoint major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE): new insights.

Marsal JR, Urreta-Barallobre I, Ubeda-Carrillo M, Osorio D, Lumbreras B, Lora D, Fernández-Felix BM, Oristrell G, Ródenas-Alesina E, Herrador L, Ballesteros M, Zamora J, Pijoan JI, Ribera A, Ferreira-González I

Variables Associated with False-Positive PSA Results: A Cohort Study with Real-World Data.

Lumbreras B, Parker LA, Caballero-Romeu JP, Gómez-Pérez L, Puig-García M, López-Garrigós M, García N, Hernández-Aguado I.

Fear for the future: Eco-anxiety and health implications, a systematic review

Boluda-Verdú I,  Senent-Valero M, Casas-Escolano M, Matijasevich A, Pastor-Valero M.
2022 Strengthening National Public Health: first steps towards the Spanish Public Health Agency. Barbaglia G, García-Abiétar D, Beltrán-Aguirre JL, García AM,
García-Armesto S, Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea I, Segura-Benedicto A,
Franco-Tejero M, Urbanos-Garrido R, Hernández-Aguado I.

Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria en la pandemia de COVID-19. Informe SESPAS 2022.

Gullón P, Lumbreras B, Sánchez-Martínez FI, de Montalvo-Jaaskeläinen F, Ruiz-Cantero MT. 

Mortality prediction models after radical cystectomy for bladder tumour: A systematic review and critical appraisal.

Sarrió-Sanz P, Martinez-Cayuelas L, Lumberas B, Sánchez-Caballero L, Palazón-Bru A, Gil-Guillén VF, Gómez-Pérez L. 

Evaluación de estrategias diagnósticas para identificar la infección por SARS-CoV-2 en la práctica clínica: una revisión sistemática y el cumplimiento de las normas para informar la guía de estudios de precisión diagnóstica (STARD).

Cremades-Martínez P, Parker LA, Chilet-Rosell E, Lumbreras B.
2022 Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Adherence to Orally Administered Antineoplastics Talens A, López-Pintor E, Bejerano M, Guilabert M, Aznar MT, Aznar-Lou I, Lumbreras B.
2022 Profiling the Bladder Microbiota in Patients With Bladder Cancer. Parra-Grande M, Oré-Arce M, Martínez-Priego L, D’Auria G, Rosselló-Mora R, Lillo M, Sempere A, Lumbreras B, Sánchez-Hellín V.
2022 La Agencia Estatal de Salud Pública: una oportunidad para el sistema de Salud Pública en España. G Abiétar D, Aguirre JL, M. García A, García-Armesto S, Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea I, Segura A, Franco M, Hernández-Aguado I, en nombre del Grupo de Trabajo de SESPAS sobre la Agencia Estatal de Salud Pública.
2022 Gaceta Sanitaria in 2021. Protecting the planet to protect health. Hernández MN, Bermúdez-Tamayo C, Alguacil J, Cantarero D, Casino G, Santillán A, Calvente MG, Epstein D, Hernán M, García LP, Portiño MC, Cantero MTR, Segura A, Amez JG, Juárez L, Miranda JJ, Tejero MF, March JC, Marcos-Marcos J, Cucunubá ZM, Lumbreras B, Mar J, Peiró R, Álvarez-Dardet, C.
2022 Anemia and undernutrition in intestinally parasitized schoolchildren from Gakenke district, Northern Province of Rwanda. Irisarri-Gutiérrez MJ, Acosta L, Parker LA, Toledo R, Bornay-Llinares FJ, Esteban JG, Muñoz-Antoli C.
2022 Evolution of Legislation and Crimes Based on Sexual Identity or Orientation in Spain: A Retrospective Observational Study (2011–2021). Ruiz-Azcona L, Pellico-López A, Manjón-Rodríguez JB, Sánchez Movellán M, Ajo Bolado P, García-Vázquez J, Hernández-Aguado I, Cayón-De Las Cuevas J, Paz-Zulueta M.
2022 It Is Not Enough to Assess Conflicts of Interest When We Bring the Commercial Sector to the Policy Table; Comment on “Towards Preventing and Managing Conflict of Interest in Nutrition Policy? An Analysis of Submissions to a Consultation on a Draft WHO Tool” Chilet-Rosell E, Hernández-Aguado I.

Solving gender gaps in health, what else is missing?.

Chilet-Rosell E, Hernández-Aguado, I.

Pharmacist-led intervention on the reduction of inappropriate medication use in patients with heart failure: A systematic review of randomized trials and non-randomized intervention studies.

Carmen Hernández-PratsElsa López-PintorBlanca Lumbreras 
2021 Contextualizing Evidence for Action on Diabetes in Low-Resource Settings—Project CEAD Part-II, Strengthening the Health System: A Mixed-Methods Study Protocol. Bernal-Soriano M.C, Barrera-Guarderas F, Alonso-Jaquete A, Chilet-Rosell E, Benazizi I, Caicedo-Montaño C, Márquez-Figueroa M, Puig-García M, Lumbreras B, Hernández-Aguado I, Torres-Castillo A.L, Parker L.A.
2021 Do the Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Tests That Are Ordered in Clinical Practice Adhere to the Pertinent Guidelines? Bernal-Soriano MC, Parker LA, López-Garrigós M, Hernández-Aguado I, Gómez-Pérez L, Caballero-Romeu JP , Pastor-Valero M, García N, Alfayate-Guerra R, Lumbreras B.
2021 Impact of Variation in Pill/Package Appearance of Drugs on Patients’ Behavior. Lumbreras B,  Sanz-Valero J, López-Pintor, E.
2021 Pharmacist-led intervention on the reduction of inappropriate medication use in patients with heart failure: A systematic review of randomized trials and non-randomized intervention studies. Hernández-Prats C, López-Pintor E, Lumbreras B.
2021 Working and Health Conditions in International Immigrant Workers. Benazizi I.
2021 Factors Related to Quality of Life of People Living with HIV in Alicante, Spain. García-López YL, Bernal-Soriano MC, Torrús-Tendero D, Delgado de Los Reyes JA, Castejón-Bolea R.
2021 Impact of Patients’ Perception of COPD and Treatment on Adherence and Health-related Quality of Life in Real-world: Study in 53 Community Pharmacies. López-Pintor E, Grau J, González I, Bernal-Soriano MC, Quesada JA, Lumbreras B.
2021 Patient’s awareness on COPD is the strongest predictor of persistence and adherence in treatment-naïve patients in real life: a prospective cohort study. López-Pintor E, Grau J, Lumbreras B.
2021 Medication Experience and Adherence to Oral Chemotherapy: A Qualitative Study of Patients’ and Health Professionals’ Perspectives. Talens A, Guilabert M, Lumbreras B, Aznar MT, López-Pintor E.
2021 Prevalence of symptoms, severity and diagnosis of asthma in adolescents in the Province of Salamanca, Spain: Global Asthma Network (GAN) Phase I. Marín-Cassinello A, Vega-Hernández MC, Lumbreras B, De Arriba-Méndez S, Pellegrini-Belinchón J.
2021 Adaptation and psychometric validation of Diabetes Health Profile (DHP-18) in patients with type 2 diabetes in Quito, Ecuador: a cross-sectional study. Benazizi I, Bernal-Soriano MC, Pardo Y, Ribera A, Peralta Chiriboga A,  Ferrer M, Alonso-Jaquete A, Alonso J, Lumbreras B, Parker LA.
2021 Compliance with Dietary Recommendations and Sociodemographic Factors in a Cross-Sectional Study of Natives and Immigrants in Spain. Benazizi I, Martínez-Martínez JM, Ortiz-Moncada R, Ferrer-Serret L, Krasnik A, Ronda-Pérez E.
2021 Framing of childhood obesity in Spanish lay press. Miralles M, Chilet-Rosell E, Hernández-Aguado I.
2021 Have Policies Tackled Gender Inequalities in Health? A Scoping Review. Crespí Lloréns N, Hernández- Aguado I, Chilet Rosell.
2021 Solitary pulmonary nodule malignancy predictive models applicable to routine clinical practice: a systematic review. Senent-Valero M, Librero J, Pastor-Valero M.
2021 Educational Differences in Diabetes Mortality among Hispanics in the United States: An Epidemiological Analysis of Vital Statistics Data (1989–2018). Barcelo A, Valdivia A, Sabag A, Rey-Lopez JP, Galil AGS, Colugnati FAB, Pastor-Valero M.
2021 The role of education on Cancer amenable mortality among non-Hispanic blacks & non-Hispanic whites in the United States (1989-2018). Barcelo A, Duffett-Leger L, Pastor-Valero M, Pereira J, Colugnati FAB, Trapido EJ.
2021 A multidimensional perspective of the relation between social isolation and depression among Portuguese older adults. Henriques A, Talih M, Pastor-Valero M, Fraga S, Dias I, Matijasevich A, Barros H.
2021 This family rejection harmed my health as well’: Intersections between the meanings of family and health for trans people and family members in a trans healthcare service in Brazil. Paulino DB, Pastor-Valero M, Machín R.
2021 ¿Será mejor la salud pública tras la COVID-19?. Hernández-Aguado I, García AM.
2021 Social Capital during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Case of the Island of Menorca. Villalonga-Olives E, Kawachi I, Hernández-Aguado I.
2021 Evidence for Transmission of Taenia solium Taeniasis/Cysticercosis in a Rural Area of Northern Rwanda. Acosta Soto L, Parker LA, Irisarri-Gutiérrez MJ, Bustos JA, Castillo Y, Pérez E, Muñoz-Antoli C, Esteban JG.
2021 Effectiveness of Workplace-Based Diet and Lifestyle Interventions on Risk Factors in Workers with Metabolic Syndrome: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression. Gea Cabrera A. Caballero P, Wanden-Berghe C, Sanz-Lorente M, López-Pintor E.
2020 Untangling the association between prostate-specific antigen and diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Bernal-Soriano MC, Lumbreras B, Hernández-Aguado I, Pastor-Valero M, López-Garrigos M, Parker LA.
2020 Estudio de Revisión de las ventajas e inconvenientes de los Sistemas Personalizados de Dosificación (SPD) y evaluación de su adecuación al perfil del paciente y tipo de farmacia. Maestre-Hernández AB, María González-Valdivieso M, Arasa J, López- Pintor E.
2020 Differences in the clinical management of women and men after detection of a solitary pulmonary nodule in clinical practice. Chilet-Rosell E, Parker LA, Hernández-Aguado I, Pastor-Valero M, Vilar J, González-Álvarez I, Salinas-Serrano JM, Lorente-Fernández F, Domingo ML, Lumbreras B.
2020 Barriers and facilitators to successful management of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Latin America and the Caribbean: A systematic review. Blasco-Blasco M, Puig-García M, Piay N, Lumbreras B, Hernández-Aguado I, Parker LA.
2020 Effectiveness of a Patient-Centered Weight Management Model in a Community Pharmacy: An Interventional Study. Gómez-Martinez J, López-Pintor E, Lumbreras B.
2020 Impact of patients’ perception of COPD and treatment on adherence and health-related quality of life in real-world: Study in 53 community pharmacies. López-Pintor E, Grau J, González I, Bernal-Soriano MC, Quesada JA, Lumbreras B.
2020 Impact of the EMA/FDA alerts on the use of effective contraceptive method in women of childbearing age undergoing valproic acid treatment in a long-stay psychiatric center. Puig-Molto M, Pol-Yanguas E, Segarra L, Lumbreras B.
2020 Revolving doors and conflicts of interest in health regulatory agencies in Brazil. Scheffer MC, Pastor-Valero M, Russo G, Hernández-Aguado I.
2020 Emphysema and lung cancer screening. Chilet-Rosell E, Lumbreras B.
2020 Contextualizing Evidence for Action on Diabetes in Low-Resource Settings—Project CEAD Part I: A Mixed-Methods Study Protocol. Chilet-Rosell E, Piay N, Hernández-Aguado I, Lumbreras B, Barrera-Guarderas F, Torres-Castillo AL, Caicedo-Montaño C, Montalvo-Villacis G, Blasco-Blasco M, Rivadeneira MF, Pastor-Valero M, Márquez-Figueroa M, Vásconez JF, Parker LA.
2020 Creación del Colegio Doctoral Tordesillas de Salud Pública e Historia de la Ciencia: un modelo de internacionalización académica. Pastor-Valero M, Barros H, Perdiguero E, Conde W, Hernández-Aguado I, Rossi Menezes P, Gisbert-Abad N, Lumbreras B, García-Barbero M, Micol-Molina V.
2020 Gender disparities in clinical practice: are there any solutions? Scoping review of interventions to overcome or reduce gender bias in clinical practice. Alcalde-Rubio L, Hernández-Aguado I, Parker LA, Bueno-Vergara E, Chilet- Rosell E.
2020 COVID-19 from a gender perspective. Castellanos-Torres E, Mateos JT, Chilet- Rosell E.
2020 Gender bias in therapeutic effort: From research to health care. Ruiz-Cantero MT, Blasco-Blasco M, Chilet-Rosell E, Peiró AM.
2020 Higher incidence of adverse events in isolated patients compared with non-isolated patients: a cohort study. Jiménez-Pericás F, Gea Velázquez de Castro MT, Pastor-Valero M,  Aibar Remón C, Miralles JJ, Meyer García MDC, Aranaz Andrés JM.
2020 Pelvic floor: vaginal or caesarean delivery? A review of systematic reviews. López-López AI, Sanz-Valero J, Gómez-Pérez L, Pastor-Valero M.
2020 Do vigorous-intensity and moderate-intensity physical activities reduce mortality to the same extent? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Rey López JP, Sabag A, Martínez Juan M, Rezende LFM, Pastor-Valero M.
2020 Continuity of psychiatric disorders between 6 and 11 years of age in the 2004 Pelotas Birth Cohort. La Maison C, Maruyama JM, Munhoz TN, Santos IS, do Amaral MR, Anselmi L, Barros FC, Pastor-Valero M, Matijasevich A.
2020 The impact of frailty on admission to home care services and nursing homes: eight-year follow-up of a community-dwelling, older adult, Spanish cohort. Cegri F, Orfila F, Abellana RM, Pastor-Valero M.
2020 How many and which physicians? A comparative study of the evolution of the supply of physicians and specialist training in Brazil and Spain. Scheffer MC, Pastor-Valero M, Cassenote AFJ, Compañ Rosique AF.
2020 Pra mim, foi assim: homossexual, travesti e, hoje em dia, trans”: performatividade trans, família e cuidado em saúde. Borges-Paulino D, Machín R, Pastor-Valero M.
2020 Reflexiones sobre cómo evaluar y mejorar la respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19. Martín-Moreno JM, Arenas A, Bengoa R, Borrell CFranco M, García-Basteiro AL, Gestal, J, González López-Valcárcel B, Hernández- Aguado I, Legido-Quigley H, March JC, Minué S, Muntaner C, Vives-Cases C.
2020 Evaluation of the COVID-19 response in Spain: principles and requirements. Álvarez-Dardet C, Arenas A, Bengoa R, Borrell C, Del Val M, Franco M, Gea-Sánchez M, Gestal J, López Valcárcel BG, Hernández-Aguado I,  March JC, Martin-Moreno JM, Menéndez C, Minué S, Muntaner C, Porta M,  Prieto-Alhambra D, Vives- Cases C.
2020 The need for an independent evaluation of the COVID-19 response in Spain. García-Basteiro A, Alvarez-Dardet C, Arenas A, Bengoa R, Borrell C, Del Val M, Franco M, Gea-Sánchez M, Otero JJG, Valcárcel BGL, Hernández I, March JC, Martin-Moreno JM, Menéndez C, Minué S, Muntaner C, Porta M, Prieto-Alhambra D, Vives-Cases C, Legido-Quigley H.
2019 Factors that influence the diet and eating habits of Chinese immigrant population in Catalonia (Spain) Benazizi I, Ferrer-Serret L, Martínez-Martínez JM, Ronda-Pérez E, Casabona I Barbarà J.
2019 What is the diet of the immigrant population resident in Spain? Results based on a systematic review. Benazizi, I., Blasco-Blasco, M., Sanz-Valero, J., Koselka, E., Martínez-Martínez, J. M., & Ronda-Pérez, E.
2019 Factors associated with false negative and false positive results of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and the impact on patient health. Bernal-Soriano MC, Parker LA, López-Garrigós M, Hernández-Aguado I, Caballero-Romeu JP, Gómez-Pérez L, Alfayate-Guerra R, Pastor-Valero M, García N, Lumbreras B.
2019 Compliance and Adherence to Enteral Nutrition Treatment in Adults: A Systematic Review. Nutrients. Gea Cabrera A, Sanz-Lorente M, Sanz-Valero J, López-Pintor E.
2019 The role of the media in the health policymaking process: perspectives of key actors in Spain. Hernández-Aguado I, Chilet-Rosell E.
2019 Diseño institucional y buen gobierno: avances y reformas pendientes. Hernández-Aguado, I.
2019 Promoting population health with public-private partnerships: Where’s the evidence? Parker LA, Zaragoza GA, Hernández-Aguado I.
2019 Adaptation of a deprescription intervention to the medication management of older people living in long-term care facilities. Sanz-Tamargo G, García-Cases S, Navarro A, Lumbreras B.
2019 The determinants of lung cancer after detecting a solitary pulmonary nodule are different in men and women, for both chest radiograph and CT. Chilet-Rosell E, Parker LA, Hernández-Aguado I, Pastor-Valero M, Vilar J, González-Álvarez I, Salinas-Serrano JM, Lorente-Fernández F, Domingo ML, Lumbreras B.
2019 Cumulative exposure to ionising radiation from diagnostic imaging tests: a 12-year follow-up population-based analysis in Spain. Lumbreras B, Salinas JM, González-Alvarez I.
2019 Gaceta Sanitaria en 2018. Fortalecimiento de la presencia en Latinoamérica y promoción de la publicación de temas esenciales para el Sistema Nacional de Salud. Bermúdez-Tamayo C, Negrín MA, Alguacil J, Briones Vozmediano E, Cantarero D, Carrasco Portiño M, Casino G, Castro Sánchez E, García Calvente M, González Zapata L, Epstein D, Hernán M, Posenato García L, Ruiz-Cantero, MT, Segura A, Zunzunegui MV, Sarria A, Juárez L,  Lumbreras B, Álvarez-Dardet, C.
2019 The Colonoscopy Satisfaction and Safety Questionnaire (CSSQP) for Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Development and Validation Study. Brotons A, Guilabert M, Lacueva FJ, Mira JJ, Lumbreras B, Picó MD, Vitaller J, García-Sepulcre MF, Belda G, Sola-Vera J.
2019 Implementación de medidas para mejorar la eficiencia y la integridad en la publicación científica. Bermúdez-Tamayo C, Negrín MA, Lumbreras B.
2019 Investigación en salud pública: independencia y libertad académica. Hernández-Aguado I, Chilet-Rosell E.
2019 Breastfeeding and the Development of Socio-Emotional Competencies: A Systematic Review. Turner S, Mayumi Maruyama J, Matijasevich A, Pastor-Valero M.
2019 Depression and excess mortality in the elderly living in low‐and middle‐income countries: Systematic review and meta‐analysis. Brandão DJ, Fontenelle LF, da Silva SA, Menezes PR, Pastor-Valero M.
2019 Impact of maternal depression trajectories on offspring socioemotional competences at age 11: 2004 Pelotas Birth Cohort. Mayumi Maruyama J, Pastor-Valero M, Santos IS, Munhoz TN, Barros FC, Matijasevich A.
2018 Análisis bibliométrico y temático de la producción científica existente en la base de datos bibliográfica MEDLINE sobre farmacia comunitaria. Sanz-Valero J, López-Pintor E, Núñez Cacho-Canales P.
2018 Challenges and successes in the implementation of option B+ to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV in southern Swaziland. Etoori D, Kerschberger B, Staderini N, Ndlangamandla M, Nhlabatsi B, Jobanputra K, Mthethwa-Hleza S, Parker LA, Sibanda S, Mabhena E, Pasipamire M, Kabore SM, Rusch B, Jamet C, Ciglenecki I, Teck R.
2018 Influence of employment conditions and length of residence on adherence to dietary recommendations in immigrant workers in Spain. International journal of environmental research and public health. Benazizi, I, Ronda-Pérez, E, Ortíz-Moncada, R, Martínez-Martínez, J. M.
2018 Pathways of undue influence in health policy-making: a main actor’s perspective. Hernández- Aguado I, Chilet-Rosell E.
2018 Development and validation of a guide for the continuity of care in perioperative medication management. Matoses-Chirivella C, Navarro-Ruíz A, Lumbreras B.
2018 Diagnostic Biomarkers: Are We Moving from Discovery to Clinical Application? Parker LA, Chilet-Rosell E, Hernández-Aguado I, Pastor-Valero V, Gea S, Lumbreras B.
2018 Incorporación de la perspectiva de género en la salud comunitaria. Informe SESPAS 2018. Artazcoz L, Chilet-Rosell E, Escartín P, Fernández A.
2018 Appropriate use of medical imaging in two Spanish public hospitals: a cross-sectional analysis. Vilar-Palop J, Hernández-Aguado I, Pastor-Valero V, Vilar J, González-Álvarez I, Lumbreras B.
2018 Grade 2 disabilities in leprosy patients from Brazil: Need for follow-up after completion of multidrug therapy. Raposo MT, Reis MC, Caminha AVQ, Heukelbach J, Parker LA, Pastor-Valero M, Nemes MIB.
2018 The impact of the tax on sweetened beverages: a systematic review
Redondo M, Hernández-Aguado I, Lumbreras B.
2018 Defendiendo a los autores de Gaceta Sanitaria. Lumbreras B.
2017 Stard for Abstracts: essential items for reporting diagnostic accuracy studies in journal or conference abstracts. Lumbreras B and others.
2017 Boys Should Have the Courage to Ask a Girl Out”: Gender Norms in Early Adolescent Romantic Relationships. Sara De Meyer, Anna Kågesten, Kristin Mmari, Juliet McEachran, Elisa Chilet-Rosell, Caroline W. Kabiru, Beatrice Maina .
2017 La libre opción individual y la salud. Paternalismo directivo o irresponsabilidad pública ante el sufrimiento y la desigualdad. Hernández Aguado I.
2017 Exploration of Gender Norms and Socialization Among Early Adolescents: The Use of Qualitative Methods for the Global Early Adolescent Study. Kristin Mmari, Robert W. Blum, Rebkha Atnafou, Elisa Chilet, Sara de Meyer, Omaima El-Gibaly, Sharmista Basu.
2017 Impact of changes in pill appearance in the adherence to Angiotensin Receptor Blockers and in the blood pressure levels: a retrospective cohort study. Lumbreras, B; López-Pintor, E.
2017 Avoiding fears and promoting shared decision-making: how should physicians inform patients about radiation exposure from imaging tests? Lumbreras B, Vilar J, Gonzalez-Alvarez I, Guilabert M, Pastor-Valero M, Parker LA, Vilar-Palop J, Hernández-Aguado I.
2017 Neighborhood-targeted and case-triggered use of a single dose of oral cholera vaccine in an urban setting: Feasibility and vaccine coverage. Parker LA, Rumunu J, Jamet C, Kenyi Y, Lino RL, Wamala JF, Mpairwe AM, Muller V, Llosa AE, Uzzeni F, Luquero FJ, Ciglenecki I, Azman AS.
2017 Adapting to the global shortage of cholera vaccines: use of a targeted single dose of cholera vaccine in response to an outbreak in South Sudan. Parker LA, Rumunu J, Jamet C, Kenyi Y, Lino RL, Deng LL, Wamala JF, Mpairwe AM, Ciglenecki I, Luquero FJ, Azman AJ, Cabrol JC.
2017 Referred Pain Patterns of the Infraspinatus Muscle Elicited by Deep Dry Needling and Manual Palpation. Emilio J. Poveda-Pagán, Carlos Lozano-Quijada, José V. Segura-Heras, María Peral-Berna, Blanca Lumbreras.
2017 An epidemic of dystonic reactions in central Africa. Peyraud, N. Rafael, F. Parker, L.A. Quere, M. Alcoba, G. Korff, C. Deats, M. Esteve, P.B. Cabrol, J.-C. Serafini, M. Ciglenecki, I. Rull, M. Larabi, I.A. Baud, F. Grandesso, F. Ilunga, B.K. Alvarez, J.-C. Newton, P.N.
2017 Linkage to HIV care after home-based HIV counselling and testing in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review. Ruzagira, E. Baisley, K. Kamali, A. Biraro, S. Grosskurth, H. Wringe, A. Celum, C. Barnabas, R.V. van Rooyen, H. Genberg, B.L. Braitstein, P. Ndege, S. Nakigozi, G. Parker, L.A. Labhardt, N.D. Naik, R. Becker, S. Hoffmann, C.J. Iwuji, C.C. Larmarange, J.
2017 The impact of control strategies and behavioural changes on the elimination of ebola from lofa county, Liberia. Funk, S. Ciglenecki, I. Tiffany, A. Gignoux, E. Camacho, A. Eggo, R.M. Kucharski, A.J. Edmunds, W.J. Bolongei, J. Azuma, P. Clement, P. Alpha, T.S. Sterk, E. Telfer, B. Engel, G. Parker, L.A. Suzuki, M. Heijenberg, N. Reeder, B.
2017 Programas de intervención nutricional y de actividad física en preescolares en Latinoamérica: Revisión bibliográfica. Victoria Abril Ulloa, Diana Morales Avilez, Adriana Orellana Paucar, Soraya Yamunaqué, Gicela Palacios Santana, Elisa Chilet, Lourdes Huiracocha, Daniela Monsalve, Silvia Sempértegui.
2017 Gender norms among «Landless» youth: Evidence for the social practice of nursing. Luiz Fabiano Zanatta, María Tereza Ruiz Cantero, Elisa Chilet Rossel, Carlos Álvarez Dardet, José Roberto da Silva Brêtas.
2017 Sexismo, pensamientos distorsionados y violencia en las relaciones de pareja en estudiantes universitarios de Ecuador de áreas relacionadas con el bienestar y la salud. Santiago Boira, Elisa Chilet Rosell, Sofía Jaramillo Quiroz, Jessica Reinoso.
2017 A critical assessment of the relation between food industry and health research. Josep León Menguíbar, Pastor-Valero María, Ildefonso-Hernández Aguado.
2017 Comparison of two methods to estimate adverse events in the IBEAS Study (Ibero-American study of adverse events): Cross-sectional versus retrospective cohort design. Jesús María Aranaz Andrés, Ramon Limón Ramírez, Carlos Aibar Remón, María Teresa Gea-Velázquez de Castro, Francisco Bolúmar, Ildefonso Hernández-Aguado, Nieves López Fresneña, Cristina Díaz-Agero Pérez, Enrique Terol García,Philippe Michel, Paulo Sousa, Itziar Larizgoitia Jauregui.
2016 Support of public-private partnerships in health promotion and conflicts of interest. Hernández-Aguado I, Zaragoza GA.
2016 Diagnosis accuracy of two vision screeners for visual health surveillance of workers who use video display terminals. María José Molina-Torres, María del Mar Seguí Crespo, Ana Tauste Francés, Blanca Lumbreras Lacarra, Elena Ronda-Pérez.
2016 Evaluation of clinicians’ knowledge and practices regarding medical radiological exposure: findings from a mixed-methods investigation (survey and qualitative study). B Lumbreras, J Vilar, I González-Álvarez, M Guilabert, L A Parker, M Pastor-Valero, M L Domingo, M F Fernández-Lorente, I Hernández Aguado.
2016 The Fate of Patients with Solitary Pulmonary Nodules: Clinical Management and Radiation Exposure Associated. Blanca Lumbreras, José Vilar, Isabel González Álvarez, Noemí Gómez Sáez, María L. Domingo, María F. Lorente, María Pastor Valero, Ildefonso Hernández Aguado.
2016 Updated effective doses in radiology. Vilar-Palop, J. Vilar, J. Hernández-Aguado, I. González-Alvarez, I. Lumbreras, B.
2016 Hookworm-like eggs in children’s faecal samples from a rural area of Rwanda. María José Irisarri Gutiérrez, Carla Muñoz Antolí, Lucrecia Acosta, Lucy Anne Parker, Rafael Toledo, Fernando Jorge Bornay-Llinares, José Guillermo Esteban.
2016 Cholera rapid test with enrichment step has diagnostic performance equivalent to culture. Ontweka, L.N. Deng, L.O. Rauzier, J. Debes, A.K. Tadesse, F. Parker, L.A. Wamala, J.F. Bior, B.K. Lasuba, M. But, A.B. Grandesso, F. Jamet, C. Cohuet, S. Ciglenecki, I. Serafini, M. Sack, D.A. Quilici, M.-L. Azman, A.S. Luquero, F.J. Page, A.-L.
2016 Effectiveness of one dose of oral cholera vaccine in response to an outbreak: a case-cohort study. Azman, A.S. Parker, L.A. Rumunu, J. Tadesse, F. Grandesso, F. Deng, L.L. Lino, R.L. Bior, B.K. Lasuba, M. Page, A.-L. Ontweka, L. Llosa, A.E. Cohuet, S. Pezzoli, L. Sodjinou, D.V. Abubakar, A. Debes, A.K. Mpairwe, A.M. Wamala, J.F. Jamet, C. Lessler, J. Sack, D.A. Quilici, M.-L. Ciglenecki, I. Luquero, F.J.
2016 Fixed-dose combinations of drugs versus single-drug formulations for treating pulmonary tuberculosis. Gallardo, C.R. Rigau Comas, D. Valderrama Rodríguez, A. Roqué i Figuls, M. Parker, L.A. Caylà, J. Bonfill Cosp, X.
2016 Does the scientific evidence support the advertising claims made for products containing Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium lactis? A systematic review. Lorena Meléndez Illanes, Cristina González Díaz, Elisa Chilet Rosell, Carlos Álvarez Dardet.
2016 Depressive symptoms and psychosocial aspects of work in bank employees. M. S. S. Valente, P. R. Menezes, M. Pastor-Valero, C. S. Lopes.
2016 Psychosocial work conditions and burnout among brazilian bank employees: A cross-sectional study. Maria do Socorro da Silva Valente, Cláudia S. Lopes, María Pastor-Valero, Paulo Rossi Menezes.
2016 Competencias y contenidos comunes de salud pública del Grado en Medicina en las universidades españolas. Mª Carmen Davó-Blanes, CarmenVives-Cases,José Luis Barrio-Fernández, Miquel Porta, Fernando G.Benavides, Ángel Gil de Miguel, Grupo de la 2ª Reunión del Foro de Profesorado Universitario de Salud Pública en el Grado de Medicina.
2015 STARD 2015: An Updated List of Essential Items for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy Studies. Lumbreras B and others.
2015 Implementation and Operational Research: Barriers and Facilitators to Combined ART Initiation in Pregnant Women With HIV: Lessons Learnt From a PMTCT B+ Pilot Program in Swaziland. Parker LA, Jobanputra K, Rusike L, Mazibuko S, Okello V, Kerschberger B, Jouquet G, Cyr J, Teck R.
2015 Estudio piloto en una farmacia comunitaria sobre la eficiencia y la efectividad de la prescripción de estatinas. José Miguel Ruiz Maldonado, Blanca Lumbreras, Hortensia Muñoz Jiménez, José Manuel Navarrete Carranza, Ignacio Anza Aguirrezabala, María Pastor Valero.
2015 Lung cancer risk and cancer-specific mortality in subjects undergoing routine imaging test when stratified with and without identified lung nodule on imaging study. Noemi Gómez Sáez, Ildefonso Hernández Aguado, José Vilar, Isabel González Álvarez, María Fermina Lorente, María Luisa Domingo, María Pastor Valero, Lucy Anne Parker, Blanca Lumbreras.
2015 Competencias y contenidos comunes de salud pública del grado en farmacia de las universidades españolas. Blanca Lumbreras, María Carmen Davó Blanes, Carmen Vives-Cases, Félix Bosch y Grupo de la 1a Reunión del Foro de Profesorado Universitario de Salud Pública en el Grado de Farmacia.
2015 Feasibility and effectiveness of two community-based HIV testing models in rural Swaziland. Parker LA, Jobanputra K, Rusike L, Mazibuko S, Okello V, Kerschberger B, Jouquet G, Cyr J, Teck R.
2015 Barriers and facilitators to combined ART initiation in pregnant women with HIV: Lessons learnt from a PMTCT B+ pilot program in Swaziland. Parker, L.A. Jobanputra, K. Okello, V. Nhlangamandla, M. Mazibuko, S. Kourline, T. Kerschberger, B. Pavlopoulos, E. Teck, R.
2015 Factors associated with virological failure and suppression after enhanced adherence counselling, in children, adolescents and adults on antiretroviral therapy for HIV in Swaziland. Kiran Jobanputra, Lucy Anne Parker, Charles Azih, Velephi Okello, Gugu Maphalala, Bernard Kershberger, Mohammed Khogali, Johnny Lujan, Annick Antierens, Roger Teck, Tom Ellman, Rose Kosgei, Tony Reid.
2015 Las relaciones de convivencia de los niños, niñas y adolescentes sordos o hipoacústicos: Estudio cualitativo exploratorio. Lourdes Huiracocha T, Suart Blume, Adriana Orellana, Liliana Brito, Victoria Abril, Elisa Chilet R, Ruth Díaz G, Silvia Sempertegui L, Gicela Palacios S, Daniela Monsalve N, Jorge A. Barahona H, Sebastián Artega H, Juan C. Almeida P, Mirian Huiracocha T.
2015 Baseline Cataract Status and 11-year Mortality: A Population-Based Study from a Mediterranean Population. Maria Pastor-Valero, Juan Jose Miralles-Bueno, Vicente Chaqués-Alepuz.
2015 An ethics training specific for European public health. Victoria Camps, Ildefonso Hernández-Aguado, Angel Puyol, Andreu Segura.
2015 Spanish children are most affected by the economic crisis, says the Spanish Society of Public Health (SESPAS). Luis Rajmil, Lucía Artazcoz, Pilar García-Gómez, Manuel Flores, Ildefonso Hernández-Aguado.
2014 Impact and programmatic implications of routine viral load monitoring in Swaziland. Jobanputra, K. Parker, L.A. Azih, C. Okello, V. Maphalala, G. Jouquet, G. Kerschberger, B. Mekeidje, C. Cyr, J. Mafikudze, A. Han, W. Lujan, J. Teck, R. Antierens, A. Van Griensven, J. Reid, T.
2014 Coinfection with Human Herpesvirus 8 Is Associated with Persistent Inflammation and Immune Activation in Virologically Suppressed HIV-Infected Patients. Mar Masiá, Catalina Robledano, Victoria Ortiz de la Tabla, Pedro Antequera, Blanca Lumbreras, Ildefonso Hernández, Félix Gutiérrez.
2014 Gender bias in clinical research, pharmaceutical marketing, and the prescription of drugs. Chilet-Rosell E.
2014 Crisis and the independence of public health policies. Hernández Aguado I, Lumbreras Lacarra B.
2014 Education and WHO recommendations for fruit and vegetable intake are associated with better cognitive function in a disadvantaged Brazilian elderly population: a population-based cross-sectional study Pastor-Valero M, Furlan-Viebig R, Menezes PR, da Silva SA, Vallada H, Scazufca M.
2014 Management of patients with incidental findings in imaging tests: A large prospective single-center study. Lumbreras B, González Álvarez I, Gómez Sáez N, Lorente M.F, Hernández Aguado I.
2014 Prevalence and variables associated with solitary pulmonary nodules in a routine clinic-based population: A cross-sectional study. N. Gómez-Sáez , I. González-Álvarez, J. Vilar, I. Hernández Aguado, M. L. Domingo, M. F. Lorente, M. Pastor Valero, L. A. Parker, N. Picazo, J. Calbo, B. Lumbreras.
2014 Gender Analysis of Moxifloxacin Clinical Trials. Elisa Chilet Rosell, Ma Teresa Ruiz Cantero, Ma Ángeles Pardo.
2014 The prevalence of metabolically healthy obesity: A systematic review and critical evaluation of the definitions used. J. P. Rey-López, L. F. de Rezende, M. Pastor-Valero, B. H. Tess.
2014 Assessment of the association of health with the liberalisation of trade in services under the World Trade Organisation. Román Umaña-Peña, Álvaro Franco-Giraldo, Carlos Álvarez-Dardet Díaz, María Teresa Ruíz-Cantero, Diana Gil-González, Ildefonso Hernández-Aguado.
2013 Inequality in analgesic prescription in Spain. A gender development issue. Chilet Rosell E, Ruiz Cantero MT, Sáez JF, Alvarez Dardet C.
2013 The tobacco ban in Spain: how it happened, a vision from inside the government. Hernández-Aguado I.
2013 The impact of including different study designs in meta-analyses of diagnostic accuracy studies. Parker LA, Saez NG, Porta M, Hernández-Aguado I, Lumbreras B.
2013 Looking twice at the gender equity index for public health impact. José Fernández-Sáez, María Teresa Ruiz-Cantero, Marta Guijarro-Garví, Mercedes Carrasco-Portiño, Victoria Roca-Pérez, Elisa Chilet-Rosell, Carlos Álvarez-Dardet.
2013 News items on human papillomavirus and its vaccine in the Valencian press (2006-2011). José Tuells, José Luis Duro Torrijos, Elisa Chilet Rosell, Eliseo Pastor Villalba, Antonio Portero Alonso, Carmen Navarro Ortiz, Eva María Galiana de la Villa.
2013 Fruit and vegetable intake and vitamins C and E are associated with a reduced prevalence of cataract in a Spanish Mediterranean population. María Pastor Valero.
2013 Erratum to: Spanish public health professionals and the General Law of Public Health. Ildefonso Hernández-Aguado, Fernando G. Benavides, Miquel Porta.